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关于圣诞树 你不知道的6件事(关于圣诞节的优秀作文600字)真没想到

作者 : templebaike | 分类 : 生活常识 | 超过 46 人围观 | 已有 0 人发表了看法



[Photo/Pexels]1. THE EARLY CHRISTIAN CHURCH DID NOT LIKE CHRISTMAS TREES.早期的基督教徒不喜欢圣诞树Evergreen trees used to be seen as pagan symbols that had no place in a religious celebration. As far back as 1647, preacher Johann Conrad Dannhauer of the Strasbourg Cathedral criticized trees as “child’s play” that were getting more attention “than the word of God and the holy rites.” But as the tradition persisted, church leaders decided that if they couldn’t beat the decorated trees, they would adopt them as part of their own Christmas celebrations.


2. IN SOME HOMES, CHRISTMAS TREES WERE HUNG.有的人家会把圣诞树挂起来In southwest Germany during the 17th and 18th centuries, it was popular, particularly among the lower classes, to hang smaller trees from the ceiling or rafters. This allowed for a flashy display and kept the goodies in the tree out of the reach of children. Some families even hung the tree upside-down, since “pointing the root toward heaven was supposed to imbue the tree with divine powers,” according to Bernd Brunner, author of

Inventing the Christmas Tree.在17、18世纪的德国西南部,很多家庭,尤其是平民百姓家,喜欢把小圣诞树挂在天花板上或房梁上这样一来既可以展示漂亮的装饰,也能让孩子们够不到圣诞树里的糖果点心。



Britain’s Prince Albert is credited with helping bring the Christmas tree from his native Germany to the English-speaking world, making it a well-publicized tradition in the royal household of his wife, Queen Victoria.

Godey’s Lady’s Bookeditor Sarah Josepha Hale—one of the main advocates for a national Thanksgiving holiday—played an important role in promoting Christmas trees in the US when her magazine published an illustration of the British royal family with their tree in 1850. She edited out Victoria’s crown jewels, Albert’s mustache and sash, and any reference to the familys identity, transforming the picture from a piece of royal marketing to a paragon of middle-class, American, Christmas celebration.



4. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE MARKET LAUNCHED IN 1851.1851年出现了第一个圣诞树集市One thing slowing the adoption of Christmas trees was the burden most families faced of having to find and chop down their own trees. That began to change in 1851, when a logger from New York’s Catskill Mountains loaded dozens of fir and spruce trees from his land and hauled them down to New York City’s Washington Market. The harvested trees, ready to set in a living room and decorate, sold out fast and kicked off the practice of Christmas tree farms, which proliferated throughout the country.



[Photo/Pexels]5. CHRISTMAS TREES CAN BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.圣诞树可能暗藏危险From their earliest days, Christmas trees have been fire hazards. Before electric lights were introduced, many families set open candles on their trees to illuminate them, which meant that each Christmas morning, the newspapers included stories of homes going up in flames when the branches ignited. Even when families abandoned the obvious hazard of open flames on the trees, the conifers could still cause major trouble once they dried out. In Philadelphia in 1878, Christmas trees caused two fires on the same street, first when a gas jet ignited a tree in a brownstone, then later that day when a dressmaker’s in-store tree went up. Today, trees can still pose a hazard if they are allowed to dry out.


在1878年的费城,圣诞树曾在同一条街上引发了两场火灾,先是一盏煤气灯点燃了一幢褐色砂石房屋内的一棵圣诞树,晚些时候一家裁缝店内的圣诞树又着火了时至今日,如果放任圣诞树不管让其干掉,依然可能引发火灾6. GIFTS USED TO GO IN THE TREE, NOT UNDER IT.

过去人们把礼物挂在圣诞树上,而不是放在圣诞树下In its first decades in the US, Christmas trees held gifts in their branches more often than under them. Typical 19th-century reports describe a “monster Christmas tree despoiled of its pendent treasures of candy, dolls, and toys of all descriptions” and a “mammoth Christmas-tree whose branches hung heavy with Christmas toys and presents for the little ones”. Often these gifts included fruit, cakes, and candy that children would just pluck directly from the tree and enjoy.


这些礼物通常包括水果、蛋糕和糖果,孩子们可以直接从圣诞树上摘下来享用英文来源:Mental Floss翻译&编辑:丹妮来源:中国日报网


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